7 FM- 8 CM – 9 WM Report


1 Membership | 2 Ministerial | 3 Youth – 4 Stewardship | 5 SOP – 6 SS/PM | 7 Family – 8 Children – 9 WM | New Entry

7. Family Report

Total Submitted 359 Entry

1. Family Camps/Retreats specially conducted by the church 67 Times
2. Parenting Seminars 121 Times
3. Marriage Enrichment 121 Times
4. Couples ‘Retreat/Retreat/Banquet/Night Out 38 Times
5. Seminar for Singles 59 Times
6. Pre- marriage Education Promotion 83 Times
7. Preparation for Old Age 34 Times
8. Family Educators Leadership Training Course 95 Times
9. Counseling /give advice on family relationships 483 Times
10. Kids in Discipleship (K.I.D) Have (39) Don’t Have (260)
11. If have, No. of families involved in K.I.D 131 Families

8. Children

1. Do you have Children’s Ministries coordinator in your church? Yes (220) No (139)
– If there is, how many people 478 People
2. Number of children in the congregation under 15 years old 4646 People
3. Number of Vacation Bible Schools conducted 36 Camp
4. Number of children attending Vacation Bible Schools 2002 People
– Be SDA 1500 People
– Non-SDA 502 People
5. Number of Other outreach program for Children 102 Program
6. Do you have baptismal classes for children age 15 and under in
your church?
Yes (76) No (283)
– If there is, how many classes 82 Class
7. If yes, number of children under age 15 who were baptized this
174 People
8. Number of Community outreach/service opportunities participated
by children
157 Times
9. Number of Leader or teacher training seminar conducted 51 Times

9. Women Ministry

1. Evangelistic Meetings 51 Times
2. Other Meetings 375 Times
3. Training Seminars 103 Times
4. Abuse 60 Times
5. Health Issues 176 Times
6. Poverty 218 Times
7. Literacy 142 Times
8. Workloads 99 Times
9. Mentoring / Leadership Opportunity 107 Times
10. Scholarships Awarded 2007 People
11. Retreats / Congressess 44 Times
12. SDA Women Attending WM Program 1934 People
13. Non-SDA Women Attending WM Program 245 People
– Total Women Attending WM Program 0 People
14. Reclaimed Members 21 People
15. Number of Baptism as a result of  direct evangelism done
by women
68 People
16. Number of Baptism as a result of participation in evangelism
done by women
73 People

Total Submitted 359 Entry